Tag Archives: Comedy

The Adam Project – MOVIE REVIEW

When a time-travelling pilot, Adam Reed, crashes in the year 2022 he enlists help from his 12-year-old self in order to embark on a mission to save the world. Along the way, they discover more about themselves and their family by travelling through time once more to find their late father who helped discover the possibility of time travel.

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LAVA – Movie Review

Deborah makes her living by working as a skilled tattoo artist. However, things change suddenly when she is hanging out with her housemate’s boyfriend and his friend watching TV when it all of a sudden changes showing a red background with disturbing images moving across the screen. Over the next few days, invasions of giant cats storm the city and start Deborah’s adventure of trying to find out what exactly is going on and how she can put an end to it.

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DOLLHOUSE: The Eradication of Female Subjectivity from American Popular Culture – MOVIE REVIEW

The main characters in this film are all played out by dolls who tell the rise and fall story of child superstar Junie Spoon whose life begins to spiral out of control. A story told by the ones who really knew her the best and finally unravel what went wrong for the child pop star who rose to fame overnight.

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Impratical Jokers: The Movie – Trailer Analysis

TruTV’s Impractical Jokers starring The Tenderloins have had their hit hidden camera TV show now for years where they like to embarrass each other by telling each other what to say and do out in public and the loser takes a punishment from the other guys choosing. However, Joe, Sal, Q and Murr finally take their shenanigans to the big screen next movie (USA) but what can we really expect from the movie?

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6 Underground – MOVIE REVIEW

6 different individuals have come together from around the world to form one of the most secretive teams on earth which no one knows about. They aspire to change the world by getting rid of some of the world’s most evil people. However, doing this puts their life at risk but no one will remember from at all as they have all deleted their past and are completely off the grid. For now.

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Good Boys (2019) – Movie Review

Three 12-year-old best friends experience the adult life of sex, drugs and being bad when Max gets invited to his first kissing party and asks his friends for help on how to kiss. As they all don’t know they decide to use Max’s father’s drone to spy on the girls next door to learn but when the girls catch them in the act it starts an unfortunate series of events to try and retrieve the drone before Max’s father returns home.

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